Creator Policy

Creators Guidelines-Showshul

Estimated reading: 13 minutes 18 views

Hello and welcome to the vibrant and dynamic Showshul community! We’re excited to have you on board as a creator, and we look forward to seeing your unique contributions to our marketplace.

At Showshul, our mission is to foster a collaborative environment where creativity thrives and quality shines. As a creator, you play a crucial role in shaping the marketplace experience for our users. Whether you’re sharing detailed product reviews, crafting engaging content, or providing insightful recommendations, your input helps us build a trusted and diverse community.

Here’s what you can expect as a part of the Showshul community:

  • Supportive Environment: Engage with a community of like-minded creators who are passionate about delivering value and fostering positive interactions.
  • Creative Freedom: Express your creativity and showcase your unique perspective through high-quality content and authentic reviews.
  • Opportunity for Growth: Connect with other creators and explore opportunities for collaboration, learning, and growth within the marketplace.

To help you navigate your role, we’ve established some key guidelines to ensure that all interactions are positive, respectful, and productive. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these guidelines to contribute effectively and uphold the high standards of our community.

Creator Guidelines for Showshul Marketplace

  1. Create High-Quality Content
    Ensure that all content is accurate, clear, and informative. Product descriptions, reviews, and other content should provide relevant and detailed information about the items.
  2. Eligibility: Participants must be at least 18 years old, legal residents of the United Kingdom, and meet the minimum follower and engagement criteria specified in the Program details to qualify for different monetization tiers.
  3. Compliance and Conduct: All content must follow Showshul’s content guidelines and community standards, adhering to applicable laws and regulations. Participants are expected to behave respectfully, avoiding harassment, discrimination, and privacy violations.
  4. Privacy and Data Protection: Showshul is dedicated to protecting your privacy and personal data in line with our Privacy Policy and GDPR. By participating, you consent to the collection and use of your data for Program administration. 
  1. Maintain Professionalism
    Interact with others in a respectful and professional manner. Avoid using language or content that could be considered offensive or inappropriate.
  2. Provide Accurate Information
    All information shared should be truthful and precise. Avoid exaggerating claims or providing misleading details about products or services.
  3. Respect Intellectual Property
    Use only original content or content for which you have explicit permission. Avoid infringing on copyrights by using unauthorized images, text, or media.
  4. Adhere to Legal and Platform Policies
    Follow all relevant laws, including advertising and privacy regulations. Comply with Showshul’s terms of service and community guidelines.
  5. Protect User Privacy
    Handle personal data responsibly and do not misuse or share user information without consent. Ensure that any data collected is done so transparently and with permission.
  6. Disclose Affiliations and Sponsorships
    Be transparent about any business relationships, sponsorships, or partnerships related to your content. Clearly disclose any conflicts of interest to maintain trust.
  7. Promote Ethical Marketing Practices
    Avoid spammy behavior and ensure all marketing efforts are honest and transparent. Refrain from using deceptive practices such as fake reviews.
  8. Commit to Continuous Improvement
    Be open to feedback and use it to enhance your content and interactions. Stay updated with Showshul’s evolving guidelines and best practices.
  9. Encourage Positive Community Interaction
    Support a collaborative and respectful community environment. Participate in discussions and activities that promote mutual respect among creators.
  10. Product and Promotion Specifics: The availability of products for the Watch Time Payment Program and Spotlight Rewards is determined by sellers and indicated by the “Creator Friendly” tag. If products become temporarily unavailable due to stock issues, associated content will be temporarily removed, and permanently removed if the product is discontinued. Sellers can enable or disable Watch Time monetization and Spotlight Rewards at any time, following the completion of the set budget for promoted products.
  11. Content Utilization: By participating in the Program, creators grant Showshul a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, distribute, and display Monetized Content (content with active monetization) across Showshul’s social media handles and other marketing channels for promotional purposes.
  12. Promotional Activities: This license allows Showshul to use Monetized Content in various promotional activities to showcase the creator community, highlight products, and enhance platform visibility.
  13. Credit and Attribution: Showshul will provide appropriate credit to creators whenever feasible, acknowledging their contributions to the Showshul community.
  14. Respecting Creator Rights: Creators retain ownership of their content. This provision grants Showshul permission to use the content for promotional purposes but does not transfer ownership.
  15. Showcase Authenticity: Present content and opinions authentically. Avoid exaggerating or fabricating details about products or experiences.
  1. Deliver Consistent Value
    Provide content that is valuable and relevant to your audience. Ensure that your contributions consistently meet the expectations of the Showshul community.
  2. Adhere to Platform-Specific Guidelines
    Familiarize yourself with and follow any additional guidelines or policies specific to Showshul’s platform. Regularly review these to stay current.
  3. Respect Content Limits
    Follow any guidelines regarding content length, format, or type as specified by Showshul. Adhere to platform-specific requirements for content creation.
  4. Avoid Duplicate Content
    Ensure that content is unique and not duplicated across multiple posts or platforms. Originality helps maintain a diverse and engaging marketplace.
  5.  Understand Our Brand: Immerse yourself in Showshul’s mission and values. Our platform connects buyers with a diverse range of unique products. Ensure that your content aligns with our professional, engaging, and customer-focused tone to accurately represent our brand.
  6. Create Compelling Content: Highlight the key features of Showshul, including its wide selection of products, user-friendly design, and secure shopping experience. Use high-resolution images and videos to showcase products clearly and attractively. Provide detailed descriptions and highlight what makes the products special.
  7. Promote with Authenticity: Share your genuine experiences with Showshul and its products. Authentic, personal stories and honest reviews build trust with your audience. Avoid exaggeration and present a truthful representation of what Showshul offers.
  8. Incorporate Strong Calls-to-Action: Clearly prompt your audience to take action, such as visiting Showshul’s website or exploring specific products. Effective calls-to-action should be direct and motivating, making it easy for your audience to understand what to do next.
  9. Disclose Partnerships Transparently: Always disclose your partnership with Showshul in your content. Use hashtags like #Ad or #Sponsored to make it clear to your audience that your promotion is part of a collaboration. Transparency is key to maintaining trust and credibility.
  10. Share Content Consistently: Develop a regular posting schedule to keep Showshul top of mind for your audience. Consistency helps build familiarity and engagement. Consider creating a content calendar to plan and organize your posts.
  11. Engage and Interact with Your Audience: Actively respond to comments and messages from your followers. Engaging with your audience fosters a sense of community and encourages ongoing interaction. Address questions and feedback promptly to enhance the customer experience.
  12.  Monitor and Report Performance: Track the effectiveness of your content using analytics tools. Share performance data and insights with Showshul to help refine and improve future campaigns. Understanding what works best allows for more effective promotions.
  13. Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer feedback on your experience with the Showshul platform. Your insights can help us enhance our services and address any issues. Constructive feedback is valuable for continuous improvement.
  14. Follow Advertising and Legal Guidelines: Adhere to all relevant advertising regulations and legal requirements. Avoid spamming your audience with repetitive content and ensure that all promotional materials are respectful and compliant with legal standards.
  15. Highlight Showshul’s Value Proposition: Emphasize the benefits of shopping on Showshul, such as exclusive product selections, competitive pricing, or exceptional customer service. Showcase how Showshul stands out from other marketplaces.
  16. Adapt Content for Different Platforms: Customize your content for various social media platforms while maintaining a consistent message. Tailor your approach based on each platform’s unique features and audience preferences to maximize impact.
  17. Use Relevant Hashtags and Tags: Utilize hashtags and tags to increase the visibility of your content. Relevant tags help your posts reach a broader audience and connect with potential customers interested in similar products.
  18. Maintain Professionalism: Ensure that all content is professionally presented and free from errors. High-quality, well-crafted content reflects positively on both you and Showshul, enhancing the overall perception of the brand.
  19. Be Creative and Innovative: Experiment with different content formats, such as tutorials, unboxings, or product reviews, to engage your audience. Creativity can make your promotions more appealing and memorable.

Thank you for joining us at Showshul. We’re thrilled to have you as a part of our journey and can’t wait to see the incredible contributions you’ll make. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help.

Let’s make the Showshul community a place where creativity and collaboration flourish!

To be eligible for our creator you must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age, or the age of majority in your country (if over 18);
  • Promote Creator Collective Affiliate Links through one of the following Authorised Social Media Channels
    • Instagram: Your page must be public, you must own created content, and you may not use Creator Collective Affiliate Links in any Paid Instagram Ads;
    • Facebook: Groups and channels must be public, you must own created content and you may not use Creator Collective Affiliate Links in any Paid Facebook Ads;
    • Pinterest: Creator Collective Affiliate Links on Pinterest can only link directly to Showshul via Idea Pins, and content in Idea Pins must be own created;
    • YouTube: Your page must be public, you must own created content, and you may not use Creator Collective Affiliate Links in any Paid Youtube Ads;
    • TikTok: Your page must be public, you must own created content, and you may not use Creator Collective Affiliate Links in any Paid Spark Ads.;
    • Threads: Your page must be public, you must own created content, and you may not use Creator Collective Affiliate Links in any paid ads;

Before applying to the Creator Collective Programme, you must have a minimum number of followers on at least one Authorised Channel. Creator Collective Affiliate Links for any of the Authorised Channels may live in your Link in Bio; which includes (but is not limited to) a Beacons Page, LinkTree, etc,.

In addition to the above you must also:

  • Authenticate at least one social media account on your application so that our team can review your handle(s), and to provide context to your profile, including analytics;
  • If you authenticate Instagram, your Instagram account must be a Business or Creator account linked to a public-facing Facebook page;
  • You confirm you will only use your Creator Collective Affiliate Links on Authorised Channels;
  • Links are not to be used in closed or private group pages (for example, closed Facebook groups, WhatsApp Messages, Etsy convos, iMessages, DMs, etc.,).

You and your social media channels must also:

  • Have an appropriate amount and type of content on your site, as determined by Showshul, in its sole discretion;
  • Declare the names of any Showshul shops you own or are closely related to (if applicable) in your application;
  • Inform Showshul Creator Collective team via email of any Showshul shops you register or become involved in after becoming an approved Creator Collective member.
  • Creators are not permitted to bid or appear on searches, including extended or hybrid searches, that include the term “Showshul” (including misspellings or variations);
  • Creators are not permitted to use Showshul trademarks in any paid search activity, including ad text, copy or display URLs;
  • Creators are not permitted to direct link PPC activity to; this includes using as a display URL;
  • Creators are not permitted to send traffic through automatic redirects on a website page;
  • Creators are not permitted to run ads using their Creator Collective Affiliate Link on any social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)
  • Creators are not permitted to use the name (including misspellings and variations) as a sub-domain or sub-folder;
  • Creators are not permitted to create sub-affiliate accounts under the original approved affiliate account;
  • Creators are not permitted to use showshul trademarks, or any variation thereof, in hidden text or source code, including within its site’s domain or sub-domain;
  • Creators are not permitted to use showshul brand in a manner that suggests an affiliation, association, or brand partnership
  • Creators are not permitted to engineer their site in such a manner that it pulls internet traffic away from the showshul Site. This includes, without limitation, directly purchasing traffic (such as, for example, in a manner that artificially leads to ad clicks), or “keyword stuffing” such as using terms in hidden or live text that is meant to attract search engine spiders in order to determine higher relevance or rank than the Etsy Site.

Responsibility for Your Authorised Channels

You are solely responsible for your site, including its development, operation and maintenance and all materials that appear on or within it. showshul is not liable for any content or information on your Authorised Channels or for any of your users’ claims relating to your Authorised Channels, and you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold showshul harmless from and against all claims relating to your site and the content of your social media pages. You agree that during your participation in the Creator Collective Programme, you will comply with the following requirements with respect to your website, advertising for your website, and social media presence:

  • Ensuring all your text links (individual product links, shop links, etc.) are up to date with what is offered by showshul through the Creator Collective Platform;
  • Ensuring the accuracy and appropriateness of materials and content posted on your social channels;
  • Ensuring that materials and content posted on your social channels are not libellous or unlawful, and do not violate or infringe upon the rights of any third party (including, but not limited to, copyrights, trademarks, privacy or other personal or proprietary rights);
  • Ensuring that your site complies with all applicable national, state, regional and local laws and regulations, including any codes of practice applicable to your marketing and displaying content on your website, and that your website clearly and conspicuously displays a website term of use and privacy policy (“Legal Notices”). Etsy may suspend your Creator Collective account and/or withhold commissions if it determines you are in violation of any of the conditions contained in this Section 3.

Paid Ads

Showshul will never run your content as an ad without getting proper consent from you, highlighting a time restriction for ad usage rights. This is typically done via email and then on the social media platform of choice (i.e. for TikTok Spark Ads, Creators will have the option to give Showshul usage rights over a certain period, and then send across an authorisation code for Showshul to “boost” said video). Showshul has the right to terminate Paid Ads at any given time.

The following content will not be considered for our Paid Ads Programme:

  • Content that violates or infringes upon the rights of any third party (including, but not limited to, copyrights, trademarks or proprietary rights) as well as recognisable content (characters, logos, brand names, music Creator does not own rights to, etc,.);

Items that do not pass Showshul internal vetting policy or items that are vintage and are of small quantities;

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Creators Guidelines-Showshul

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