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E-commerce + Social Media

= Showshul Marketplace

Signup bonus of upto £250 to Buy what you like, Create UGCs and influence shoppers to ultimately earn from views, watchtime & affiliate sales

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Creator Program | Trend Tribe

The TrendTribe program by Showshul is a groundbreaking initiative where creativity meets commerce, inviting both content creators and buyers to share their passion through engaging content. It’s a unique opportunity for all members of the Showshul community to engage in monetization by bringing their authentic experiences and personal expression to the forefront.

TrendTribe elevates brand stories, enabling participants to shine as influential ambassadors through reviews, unboxing videos, and lifestyle showcases. This inclusive approach democratizes content creation, allowing every user to potentially earn from their contributions, regardless of their follower count or content creation experience.
In this vibrant ecosystem, sellers gain enhanced brand visibility and deeper connections with their audience, benefiting from a rich tapestry of user-generated content that resonates with authenticity and creativity. The program embodies a spirit of collaboration and empowerment, setting the stage for a new era in online shopping where every story told and every experience shared enriches the community and drives forward the fusion of creativity and commerce.

TrendTribe Monetization Program

TrendTribe by Showshul introduces a comprehensive and dynamic monetization program designed to reward our community of content creators for their creativity, engagement, and influence. Our program is structured around three key components: Affiliate Marketing, Watch Time Payments, and Engagement Rewards. Each is crafted to ensure creators are compensated for their contributions to the Showshul ecosystem, fostering a vibrant and supportive environment for all.

1. Affiliate Program

Creators can earn a commission of 5% to 10% on sales generated through their content, with the rate varying based on the product category. This tiered commission structure is designed to reward creators for promoting and selling products, encouraging the production of content that resonates with their audience and drives commerce. The specific categories and corresponding commission rates can be found here.

2. Watch Time Payment Program

To further incentivize content creation, Showshul offers a tier-based payment system based on monthly sales attributed to the creator’s content:

  •  Tier 1: For monthly sales up to £8,000, creators earn £1 per 1,000 views.
  •  Tier 2: For monthly sales between £8,001 and £15,000, the rate increases to £1.5 per 1,000 views.
  •  Tier 3: For monthly sales exceeding £15,000, creators enjoy a rate of £1.9 per 1,000 views.

This structure ensures creators are rewarded not just for attracting views but for driving tangible sales, aligning content success with financial incentives. Rates reset at the start of each calendar month, offering fresh opportunities for creators to achieve higher tiers. Views are cumulative on creators all video posts.

3. Engagement Rewards: “Showshul Spotlights”

Our Engagement Rewards program, dubbed “Showshul Spotlights,” recognizes and rewards videos that achieve significant engagement and sales milestones. To qualify as a Spotlight, a video must:

  •  Attain an engagement rate of over 2.5%,
  •  Garner a minimum of 5,000 views,
  •  And drive at least 20 sales.

Videos meeting these criteria receive a special spike rate, dynamically set based on the available budget from sellers. This rate is designed to further reward creators for producing exceptionally engaging content that not only captivates the audience but also drives purchasing decisions.

Ready to start Your Journey?

Program Benefits and Dynamic Adjustment

The TrendTribe monetization program is carefully calibrated to ensure that creators are fairly compensated for their efforts, sellers gain valuable exposure and sales, and the Showshul community enjoys high-quality, engaging content. We commit to regular reviews of our monetization rates and incentives, adjusting them as necessary to reflect market trends, platform growth, and budget allocations. This dynamic approach ensures that the TrendTribe program remains competitive, sustainable, and rewarding for all participants.

By participating in the TrendTribe program, creators have the opportunity to turn their creativity into earnings, leveraging their content to not just engage their audience but also participate actively in the commerce that defines Showshul’s social shopping experience.

TrendTribe Participation Criteria

Anyone, buyer at showshul or content creator are invited to join TrendTribe based on the following tiered system, reflecting their follower count and engagement rates:

For Buyers and Emerging Creators:

Any Individuals without any social media following or emerging content creators with less than 2500 social media followers can participate in program by purchasing items, creating UGC, and posting on Showshul to earn. This open category encourages broad participation and content diversity, welcoming all users to contribute to the ecosystem. We keep opening upto 100% cashback time to time for emerging creators to encourage them participating in program and warm with showshul.

For Content Creators & Influencers:

  • Tier 1: Creators with 2,500 – 4,999 followers and an engagement rate of 1% or higher. Eligible for a budget of £50 – £100 to purchase items for content creation.
  • Tier 2: Creators with 5,000 – 9,999 followers and an engagement rate of 2% or higher. Eligible for a budget of £100 – £200.
  • Tier 3: Creators with 10,000+ followers and an engagement rate of 2% or higher. A personalized meeting will be scheduled to discuss a tailored budget and collaboration opportunities.

Additional Tier:

  • Tier 4: For creators with 25,000+ followers, custom partnerships could include higher budget allocations, paid promotions,  opportunities for collaborative product lines, and exclusive event access, reinforcing the relationship between top-tier creators and Showshul.

Guidelines for Participation:

  • Purchase Requirement: Creators are allocated a budget to purchase items from Showshul for content creation. To participate, creators must use this budget towards the purchase but also need to block the corresponding amount on their credit card as a guarantee. This amount will be released back to the creator’s credit card upon successful posting and verification of the content on both Showshul and the creator’s own social media platforms.
  • Content Posting: Required posting on both the creator’s social media platforms and Showshul ensures maximum visibility and engagement with the content. This dual-platform approach is designed to amplify brand exposure and foster community interaction.
  • Content Quality and Authenticity: High-quality, authentic content that aligns with Showshul’s brand values and aesthetics is essential. Creators are encouraged to bring their unique voice and creativity to their content, highlighting the features and benefits of their chosen products in a way that resonates with their audience.
  • Engagement and Interaction: Active engagement with the audience is crucial. Creators are encouraged to interact with their followers, respond to comments, and foster a lively community atmosphere, enhancing the overall impact of their content.
  • Budget Allocation and Credit Card Blocking: To ensure commitment and responsibility from participants, the budget allocated for purchasing items will require creators to temporarily block the equivalent amount on their credit card. This measure ensures that participants are genuinely invested in creating and sharing their content. The blocked amount will be released once the content is successfully posted and meets the program’s quality standards.

Ready to start Your Journey?

TrendTribe Program Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the TrendTribe Monetization Program (“the Program”) by Showshul. Your participation in the Program is governed by these Terms and Conditions (T&Cs), which are designed to ensure a productive, respectful, and mutually beneficial environment for all parties involved—content creators, sellers, and the Showshul platform.

General Terms and Conditions for TrendTribe Program


  • Participants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Participants must be legal residents of the United Kingdom.
  • Creators are required to meet the minimum follower and engagement rate criteria as specified in the Program details to qualify for different tiers of monetization.

Compliance and Conduct:

  • All content created and shared as part of the Program must comply with Showshul’s content guidelines, community standards, and all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Participants agree to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful to other community members, and refrains from any form of harassment, discrimination, or violation of privacy.

Privacy and Data Protection:

  • Showshul is committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of its participants. All personal data collected as part of the Program will be processed in accordance with Showshul’s Privacy Policy and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Participants consent to the collection, processing, and use of their personal data for the purposes of administering the Program and agree to Showshul’s data protection practices.

Specific Terms for Monetization Components

Affiliate Marketing Program:

  • All products listed on Showshul are by default eligible for this program until seller manually disable affiliate program for certain products.

Watch Time Payment Program:

  • WatchTime payment are Eligible only for products for which promotion is enabled by showshul or seller, it can be checked on product detail page with “Creator Friendly” tag enabled.. Tiers of payment are based on monthly sales generated by the participant’s content. Videos with minimum 100 views will be accounted for watchTime accumulated time and automatic capping will be applied at 10K views if no product sold within 10K views for particular video.  
  •  View is counted if viewers have seen minimum 25% of total length OR 6 seconds which ever is higher.  

Engagement Rewards – “Showshul Spotlights”:

  • Videos that meet specific criteria for engagement, views, and sales will receive additional rewards, subject to dynamic rates based on budget availability.

Product and Promotion Specifics

  • The availability of products for the Watch Time Payment Program and Spotlight Rewards is at the discretion of sellers and indicated by the “Creator Friendly” tag.
  • Temporary unavailability of products due to stock issues will result in the temporary removal of associated content, with permanent removal if the product is discontinued.
  • Sellers may enable or disable Watch Time monetization and Spotlight Rewards for their products at any time after completion of set budget associated with promoted products.

Additional Provisions

  • Showshul reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Program at any time, with prior notice to participants when possible.
  • Disputes will be resolved at Showshul’s discretion, aiming for fairness and transparency.
  • Showshul encourages a collaborative and creative community spirit and may introduce additional incentives or programs to support and reward participants.

Use of Content for Promotional Purposes

  • Content Utilization: By participating in the TrendTribe Monetization Program, creators grant Showshul a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, distribute, and display the content posted on the Showshul platform in which monetization is active (“Monetized Content”) across Showshul’s own social media handles and other marketing channels for promotional purposes.
  • Promotional Activities: This license includes the right for Showshul to utilize Monetized Content in a variety of promotional activities aimed at showcasing the vibrant community of creators on Showshul, highlighting the diverse range of products available, and enhancing the overall visibility of the platform.
  • Credit and Attribution: While Showshul reserves the right to use Monetized Content as described, we commit to providing appropriate credit to the content creator whenever feasible, acknowledging their creative contributions to the Showshul community.
  • Respecting Creator Rights: Creators retain ownership of their content. This provision does not transfer ownership of the content to Showshul but merely grants Showshul the permission to use the content as part of its promotional efforts.

By participating in the TrendTribe Monetization Program, you agree to these T&Cs, committing to a partnership that values creativity, community, and commerce. Showshul looks forward to empowering your creative journey and celebrating your contributions to our vibrant marketplace.

Ready to start Your Journey?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

The TrendTribe Monetization Program is a program by Showshul that rewards content creators and buyers for creating engaging and authentic content that showcases products on the platform. Creators can earn money through Affiliate Marketing, Watch Time Payments, and Engagement Rewards.

Anyone 18 or older living in the UK can participate. Content creators can join the Affiliate Marketing Program regardless of follower count. Specific tiers and benefits for Watch Time Payments and Engagement Rewards are based on follower count and engagement rates.

Creators earn commission (6% to 10%) on sales generated through their content, depending on the product category. They can earn by linking to products in their content.

The Watch Time Payment Program is a way for creators on Showshul to earn money based on the sales generated by their videos featuring “Creator Friendly” products. It rewards creators who not only attract viewers but also drive sales for sellers. Note, only views that meet a minimum threshold count towards Watch Time payments. A view is counted if a viewer watches at least 25% of the total video length or 6 seconds (whichever is longer) along with that there is an automatic cap on Watch Time accumulation at 10,000 views for a video. This cap applies if the video hasn’t generated any sales within those 10,000 views.

“Showshul Spotlights” are rewards for videos with an engagement rate over 2.5%, at least 5,000 views, and 20 sales. These videos get a bonus rate (based on available budget) to reward content that drives sales and engagement.

If a “Creator Friendly” product is out of stock, videos about it will be hidden until it’s restocked. If the product is permanently discontinued, the content will be removed from Showshul, but creators will keep earned benefits up to the removal date.

By participating, you grant Showshul the right to use your content for promotion on social media and marketing channels, with credit given whenever possible.

Payments are calculated monthly based on your content’s performance according to each monetization component’s criteria. Payments are issued through your chosen method in your program settings.

The Watch Time Payment Program pays creators based on a tiered system that rewards sales driven by their content, not just views. The rate per 1,000 views increases as the monthly sales attributed to the creator’s content goes up (ranging from £1 per 1,000 views in Tier 1 to £1.9 per 1,000 views in Tier 3). Rates reset monthly, offering a chance to reach higher tiers.


Showshul empowers creators! Here’s the key: Niche down, create engaging content (reviews, tutorials, etc.), actively connect with viewers, and promote your Showshul presence elsewhere. Build a loyal community and monetize through brand partnerships (endorsements, affiliate marketing, etc.).

  • Earn money through affiliate marketing, watch time payments, and more.
  • Grow your audience and connect with a community.
  • Partner with brands and secure sponsorships.
  • Create content you love and share your passions.

Showshul is a unique online marketplace that blends the worlds of e-commerce and social media. It offers a platform for both buyers and content creators, fostering a vibrant community built around product discovery, creative expression, and authentic recommendations.